Best ways to live as freelance wordpress developer

I have become themeforest author last month. Till now I have 4 items approved in 3 different account. In most cases it takes maximum 10-15 days for those theme.

But I was only able to sell 19 times for those 3 items in 50 days. So what should I do to increase theme selling?

I am not a by born designer. So what will be best for me? Joining any other team maybe or should I fight for my place?

I suggest you to make a partnership with a designer if you are a developer. This way you can take care about the code, then the designer will cover all design tasks.



I have a very powerful HTML and Wordpress framework. I’m using it for create my ThemeForest templates and themes and they sell better of 80% of the other themes.

If you are interest to collaborate contact me on

The true advantage is that you have all ready, you need only to create the contents and the design with css.