I have got the big hard rejection again.So i come here to ask for help
1. The catergory i chose is graphic–illustration–object
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So what is this problem?
I have got the big hard rejection again.So i come here to ask for help
1. The catergory i chose is graphic–illustration–object
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Main psds :
Thumbnail :
So what is this problem?
Hi @chamonhuang
Your design is good but graphicriver already have others items more 60 pages for so was hard rejected but you make a design vector original no have similar other item, link: https://graphicriver.net/graphics-with-rocket-in-vectors#content thank you so much.
I am not expert this design vector but I invite you my friend @n2n44 he know more that I because he is graphic designer and experience more 16 years, regards.
Thank you,JeriTeam,i have followed your friend.But i find that he is a flyer design expert.
I am not good at that.
your opion about the “graphicriver already have others items more 60 pages for so was hard rejected” ,
I think you are right.But i still do not know how to modify because you say my design is good.
With respect it’s far too basic:
Ok,thanks for your suggestion but i still don’t think it’s far from “beautiful“ to get a hard rejection.
By the way,the rocket is what i want to upload,it is the object not the popup window.
The popup window is just something additional.
But i am agree with your word “numerous”,I think the style i chose looks like too simple.
Again with the best will in the world there is nothing premium about that design esp. just the rocket on its own, and that couldn’t easily be found for free elsewhere
Even if you were to add more colours I doubt that would be enough
I get it,thank you. But first of all, i need to upload something successfully.Otherwise i doubt the value i spend on these projects
It may sound stupid but actually you run a risk of wasting more time by rushing basic designs that would be rejected, than investing in more complex and value items that may take longer to create but which will be more likely to be approved and sell more
My first upload is a illustration which i waste my one week to finish.they reject it for the same several words.
So just like the a good product,it should be put on the right direction.
How to know it is a right direction?
Just try it quickly again and again, right?
Unfortunately success here takes investment and commitment in terms of time, skills etc
If any item follows the basic principals then they stand a good chance:
premium quality design (no errors with fundamental design principals)
premium features/functionality (not something that could be downloaded for free elsewhere)
originality (not a clone of items already for sale in the marketplaces)
I remember years ago seeing a post in the Knowledgebase saying which kinds of items they do and don’t need, it seems to be gone now, but in the don’t need list I’m pretty sure they specifically mentioned rocket logos and illustrations, because there is already an abundance of them. Because of this, I’m sure they’re probably a bit tougher on items that relate to that, so your illustration would need to be incredibly high quality and above normal standards.
With that being said, I do like the overall look to it. I just don’t like the text too much, with the theme being very soft, fluid, and pretty round, I would expect the font choice to match that. Take a look at Sofia Soft font, it isn’t free, though I swear it used to be years ago, otherwise I’m not sure how I got it, but I think that would be an ideal style of font for the body text and buttons. Then you should find more of a display font for the heading, something that’s different than the body font. Also be sure that the colours of the text match the theme, most of what you have is ok, but the black “Hi! THERE” looks way off, (plus it’s grammatically incorrect, it should be “Hi There!”.
I would definitely do what @charlie4282 said as well; have different colour options, and make a more complete UI kit. Maybe even have another 2 or 3 illustration variations using the same style and concept.
I can’t agree more!
And thank you very much for these suggestions.It’s really detailed to make me much more clear for the next step.
Appreciate that!