Author-Driven Pricing Coming to VideoHive

Thank you for your answer, but are you sure in understanding the overall picture? Authors from poor countries can make quality content and set the minimum price … The market will be covered with good material for 1-3 dollars, more expensive tracks will not be sold, because there is an alternative, composers from many advanced countries will lose any sense in working … It’s just a reflection on the negative developments, but think about it, please …


For all time, AudioJungle has become my main source of income. At the moment, the competition in the market is very high. I think that after these changes, competition will become even greater. It looks like we will have to look for a new main source of income, and AudioJungle will be passive or even leave the market … It’s too bad …


Yes, absolutely agree, there must be some minimum price (for example, $ 15-19 for a 2-minute track on AudioJungle), and below this minimum the author can not make the price of the item, I think. Otherwise there will be wild underbidding…


4-5$ - it’s very low, but as @EdRecords rightly said - more expensive tracks will not be sold, because there is an alternative, composers from many advanced countries will lose any sense in working…


That is really awful!
“The ability for authors to set their own prices will lead to higher quality content on Envato Market” - are you kidding?
You really dont know how it works. This will lead to lower quality content. The reason is dumping. Authors with 5 dollars projects will make troubles for selling good content that costs more. Than, if I see my music not selling while low quality projects get money - what should I do? Right - I should make 5 dollars content. Low quality, of course. Cause I can not spend enough time for such price.
Next time I got this thing, that you make really strange and silly decisions. Hope I mistake… But 100% not this time…


It is all good and I agree, but why not make a normal minimum price threshold to avoid underbidding
(for example, $ 15-19 for a 2-minute track on AudioJungle), and, for example, during “cybermondays” and/or other selling dates, lower this threshold for a time, so that authors who want it can make discounts and sales?

Think about avoiding underbidding, please, do not make the threshold too low …


" I will create an amazing after effects template for 4.99$"


The link to this topic in the dashboard contains an error.””

What about the types of authors (exclusive, non exclusive)? The meaning of being an exclusive author for the sake of high percent is lost, right?

What will happen to the top of the week.
In the first week of sales, I can put the minimum price to get on the list.

Can I become an elite author by assigning a price of 75,000 and asking a friend to buy my project by paying a new fixed fees?


leave the lower threshold as is!


Totally agree with applying lower threshold to the pricing on AudioJungle. Imagine that you’re a client who wants to find music for his project. You see 5$ item and 20$ item, each of them is of the same quality. Guess what you’d choose.

What’s the point in letting people set such low prices if it will benefit only those for whom these 5$ really make a difference (say, for developing countries) and leave others behind? And notice: these “others” who need the prices to stay relevantly high (15-19$ per 2 minute track) make a huge part of Envato community, bigger than those who don’t need big prices to still make a living with Envato.

Moreover, you want your market to stay at a high quality standart? As the price should reflect the complexity and quality of the item, the price of 5$ Should reflect low complexity and/or low quality. Do you really need this low quality flooding?

Please, apply lower threshold for items and let authors raise their prices.


If no lower threshold, how can this increase the quality of the items? There will be just huge amount of poor quality primitive items from authors who don’t mind against working for the 4-5 dollars. And not to mention all that fraud schemes like setting the minimum price for your item and then going to the top of popular files. Easy, right?
What should do other authors in such conditions?
Please, Envato, don’t devalue our work here. Keep minimum prices as is.
If no, I think it’s beginning of the end.


Fully agree and support! I will add that the next time the buyer immediately installs a filter to find a low price, he will find the product that he needs at a low price! At the same time, goods of the same and even better quality will not even be noticed!


Evato Team. This is the worst change that I have seen. $ 15 per track 1:30 min is already a little. We put a lot of effort and time to make good content for Envato. And now you are making changes, so prices will fall … the authors will lower prices without paying attention to quality. Just because they will have to do it.
Enter the lower threshold of $ 15 and $ 19. It will be a sensible decision. Thanks you


It looks like a good idea that could go in a bad direction if envato gives too much freedom to authors. As people stated earlier it could make some imbalances. This could especially “hurt” the authors that value their time, work, skills etc. and will not sell their items at the lowest price. There should (and I hope definitely will) be caps for lowest and highest price.

In my personal opinion there should be a bit different approach to this matter. Instead of “Authors set the price” it should be “Authors may influence the price”. To put it in a simple way. Let’s say I’ve made an item in the category where average price for an item is 15$. If I went an extra mile and made my item in some way better than average and it can offer more that most in that category… Well in that case I should be able to put some extra bucks on top for my extra work. If it’s average 15$ then maybe +3$ or 5$-7$ at most. And if I feel like it’s not the best work I’ve done, but it is good enough to be accepted I should be able to take a few bucks of my price.


What will be the fixed buyer fee? For aj.

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Just something to note… author driven pricing has been around for over two years. Every point that is being raised in this thread has been raised before. All of the marketplaces that operate using author driven pricing are still here, and if it turned out to be a bad thing for Envato, they would have got rid of it… they wouldn’t be implementing it on new marketplaces.

Feel free to express your concerns, your opinions and your suggestions… I’m not saying you shouldn’t. But keep in mind that, barring something crazy happening along the way… ADP is going to happen on VideoHive and AudioJungle whether we like it or not, and it’s going to take the same form as ADP on all the other marketplaces… i.e. there won’t be any ranges, or thresholds, or minimums. Just so you know.


Sure there’s no future without lower threshold, and that threshold could not be less than actual price.


I got it. But it’s all different markets with different items and conditions. So, I think we should consider all these differences when speaking of such big changes. I don’t really monitor how it is on ThemeForest, for example. But I think work of web-designer has higher value than average music or video maker. I don’t think that you can create good and acceptable web template for a few hours. While there are many authors on AJ who can just spam new tracks every day. So maybe it’s one of the reasons why ADP didn’t affect so much on TF. And consider the number of items… It’s 39k of items on TF instead of 620k on AJ. I don’t think that we should compare this without any comments. In my opinion, dumping on AJ will be much bigger and more destructive.


I dont know how ADP changed Envato income at the other marketplaces. But I really know that many not very successful Audiojungle authors will be dumping, increasing number of their sales (trying to earn more money). Another authors will have to make price lower too. How it can make quality higher?


Why make changes to the running system? Prices will fall to a minimum at any limit. Accordingly, Envata’s earnings will also fall. The best authors will not want to work for a penny, and no one will buy expensive tracks. It is obvious. Envato will simply lose its authority(((((