Author Chat?

A curse (and sometimes a blessing) with selling stock is the lack of interaction with customers. Simply getting in touch and answering questions on a regular basis can often lead to new insights, ideas, collaborations, loyalty building, additional conversions and customer referrals.

Some websites have a “Chat with us now” popup whenever customer support is online. Maybe that could be a cool feature to implement? Whenever the author is online and someone is visiting that author’s profile or item pages, a “chat with the author” window would pop up. Opt-in for authors of course!

What do you think?


This is awesome, and I see this a lot on other websites these days.

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Excellent idea @Stockwaves!

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good idea :slight_smile: chat with support :grin:

Yeah. Great idea!

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Might also be something worth adding or integrating into your support site (if you have one). Item pages are unlikely to receive it at this point but that shouldn’t stop you from finding a way to implement the technology in your own site or support system. Great idea and one that’s being used really effectively to help customers make buying decisions in other places.