AudioJungle Sales Monitor

This is the worst month I have had in about 4 years. Continual uploads has not helped at all this year to increase overall sales, just started to use YouTube to promote my audio and now pondering what the rest of the year will bring. I try and try but cannot gain traction and so my options are dwindling fast. I put in the long hours per day for little or no reward and it is getting tougher.


What baffles me is the amount of happy, clappy, whistling, ukulele tracks that get through here, all named “happy” and “Inspiring” etc tec to add to the many many thousands already here. That to me is “dead”

July is looking to be a WRITE OFF big time.

"you can’t just compare sales without knowing what a author does to actually get those sales.

Some put in 8 hours a week and get a few sales a week.
Some put in 8 hours a day and get a few sales per day"

I think this is a good point. I’m lucky if I can find 8 hours a week to work on tracks so (much as I’d like to be writing and selling more) it’s probably unreasonable to expect more than a few sales each week. Ignoring short term fluctuations I seem to be on a very gradual but steady upward curve at the moment so it could be worse!

What I am struck by, though, is how many authors with large portfolios are reporting big swings in sales numbers, as I’d assumed the larger the portfolio the more stable you could expect things to be.


Unfortunately I have tried the big swing, been on the roundabout and I am now looking at the big slide. What a playground this is.


Many of new accounts is still successful with happy, clappy, whistling stuff. My was as well, looking back to level 4-5… Now, it seems my stuff is not “happy” enough. :relieved:


Haha, dude, your second most recent track, “Happy”, is the epitome of the “happy clappy whistling ukulele” track. The truth is, it’s a trend at the moment and it sells, and having “Happy” in the title helps make it visible in Audiojungle’s search engine. I tend to upload a mixture of music that I like, mixed with the happy clappy tracks for more chance of sales. Yes it’s over-saturated, but if that’s what people want to buy, that’s what people are going to make.

Right, i just tried to make it “classic” way, with that notorious “search-friendly“ title. The truth is, in my case search engine prefers to show something else than recent happy-clappy tracks. The oldies from 2015-16 is still quite ok btw.

Last week i had 12 sales…This week 1 sale…Any explanation?

ALARMING drop in sales since June. Income has halved and no way of making it up in the few days left of July. This is not good enough Envito.


Envito Corleone… you will sleep with the fishes tonight.


Silent as silence.:confused: Now nothing for 24 hours.

Be positive. You had a sale 24 hrs ago.

Just a thought for everyone with trouble - have you ever considered non-exclusive if you are not already? For me AJ has never been the place that has given best sales. It’s been definitely ok, constant 80-120 sales / month, but never the best. For me exclusive would have been a bad deal from the start. And Envato doesn’t seem to be doing anything to help those who struggle. Having all your eggs in just one basket is quite big a risk.


Or stay exclusive and build a new portfolio for other stock libraries. It’s always better than complaining and waiting for sales :slight_smile:


An exclusive author would lose another 50% income if he would had a 60% share (is it 30 or 35% share right now as a non-excl?).

There is also some other strategic thoughts to do, according the sales-direction priority.

If many non-popular authors would go non-exclusive it would be good on the one hand for this site. At least 20% more revenue by nothing. On the other hand this would allow more food for others. The more food for the ‘choosen-few’, the more they are fixed to this place.

Filled pocket of system-relevant authors are essentially to hold them i think.

What could that mean in combi with “elements”… where a sales gives the author how many $ or cent per download? And has the P.R.O implementation something to do with it?

…just a thought…

11 days with no sales - hasn’t been that bad for a looooong time :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I don’t know what to say, things are terrific…Seems like competition is big, i can hear many good stuff from new authors…Everybody has a ticket for this trip and it’s all up to us how we gonna use it.

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Sales are back to normal with 444 items…so that means I’m 2/3rds evil right?

Also, I’d like to take a moment to thank H8Music for bringing Twin Peaks to AJ.

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You’re welcome, I’m happy that other authors appreciate it too. However, artists should be more advantaged to understand the ART! :man_artist: :smiley:

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Although still well below average I am happy to say sales are trickling in today. Hope it continues. It will continue (being positive)

“By visualizing your goal already completed, you flip your mind onto the frequency that contains the way that it will be attracted to you.” Bob Proctor

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