AudioJungle Sales Monitor 2

you mean, like the other marketplaces do? :slight_smile:
oh, and they could also check you real ID… like other marketplaces do…

Thank you, let them check!

First: Dec is shaping up as my worst month this year too. Second: about Id check, recently 3 different users started following me at once. I checked “their” portfolios and it was obviously the same guy with 3 different accounts. All tracks based on the exact same template, with the exact same reversed crash and muted midi sounding guitar, all of them named with slight variations of “Ambient Corporate”, “This is Ambient”, “To Ambient Business”, bla bla bla. I’m also quite certain it’s the very same user that about an year ago was reported by the community and banned, and now he is simply reuploading his old tracks again, but I can’t be %100 sure of that, though.

If Envato had a serious Id check and a limit of accounts per person (let’s say, 2, one exclusive, the other non, ie) the market would be much healthier. IMO, this kind of copy-cats issues are one of the main reasons, if not the main, of the drop in sales many are experiencing.


I know of at least a couple of authors who are doing this. One user is constantly commenting on my tracks with his two different accounts, which is what gave him away. When I looked at the two portfolios the music is near identical template tracks, with copy/pasted descriptions.

It’s lazy, it’s uncreative, it creates more work for reviewers, and it saturates the market with unoriginal music.

I am 100% for author IDs, with a limit to 1 exclusive account per author.


I am sure that the market is not only ambient, many other areas that not everyone can repeat … so I stopped writing all sorts of corporate and corporate ambient — it makes no sense …and yes - this week was very slow…

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Yup. I checked your comments, and those accounts are one of the cases I was referring to. I spotted several more though. It’s a freaking plague.

Just discovered that user has a 3rd account.

Heh) Actually, I was very surprised by this track! I thought only about not to sink too deep in the search results… November was the best month ever… 1 position in popular files, insane…


Same thing. Empty week. Just when I saw an improvement and good pace toward the end of November, everything stopped completely in December.

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Absolutely capped.

I must live in an alternate dimension, because my sales are still good. Even after all the Envato changes (Elements, removal of credits, added fees, etc). While being inactive since more than three months now…

December is on par with September so far (which was my second best month ever). I’m very surprised by this!

Hope the times will be better soon for those with a slow month. Good luck!


Looks like your rocket fuel can bring you to the moon without stopping in the asteroid :stuck_out_tongue: :rocket: :rocket: :dollar: :dollar:


@AlisterBunclark @WormwoodMusic make sure you report these to support at

If the tracks are similar enough and it appears as if multiple accounts are being used solely to hide template tracks etc, they can intervene.


I’ll play it safe and add some fresh fuel (new uploads) to my rocket soon, though ! One is never too prudent while traveling around AudioJungle. :rocket: :smile:

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Super slow, almost dead.

Hi there,
This year was pretty good for me compared to 2017, when I only started to upload and sell, and had several hard rejections. I didn’t notice that Elements and Cyber Monday affected my sales. But December seems to be a weak month for me, 'cause this week is really slow and I guess all sales will stop on December, 25☺

Completely dead here!
I admit i am not sponsoring my profile and i’m not uploading since i am facing hard times in my life… but in the past, even without uploading and without (minimal) advertising, i still got sales… now the wind has changed!

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24 hours without sales. And almost a month without normal sales.

Absolutely dead until exactly mid month. Controlled controlled controlled. Abysmal abysmal abysmal.

Agree. A copy-pasters is really big evil for Audiojungle.

p.s. I have one additional non-exclusive account but all works on this account are unique and has nothing common with a tracks from my exclusive account. Of course I can see a similarity in a composer style of writing music, but definitely it is not a copy-pasted works. It is very interesting to create something new in every new track. But unfortunately there are a many so-called artists who knows no music but knows only templates. And it is sad…