Are there mistakes in this logo?

hi indeed, there are many things to say about this logo. The first thing is that the idea looks rather good to me, though , there are many things to fix, modify or improve if u ask me. First of all, part of the logo is looking like small details and actually details are bringing trouble when it comes to small versions of logo and the logo is evaluated in small size here. Details turn out to flatten or become invisible as u decrease the size of the logo. Then, i would highly recommend that u try to bring as much contrast as possible to your logo so that this is more outstanding and being really valued. At the moment, to be honest the colors, especially for buttons are definitely not contrasting enough and , to a certain extent, same goes with the text (name of the company), also due to the fact that the font u used is very thin and having little impact for this matter. Indeed , the thinner a font is and the more u will have to darken the colors so that the text pops out and is more readable. Still about typo as we started to evoke this, to be honest , in my view this is not matching at all with the illustration part … not only is the italic making the text part look old but this is not generating any unity in terms of style, so that u end up with a discrepancy between the text and illustration part … your logo has to look like a whole. At the moment , u did not manage to do it … The illustration part is by the way a bit too much prevailing over the text one, pls keep in mind that potential buyers will look for their name to be clearly identified as well and that valuing it more will help. Back to the typo, this is globally too flat part from what i said previously. For a good typo, it will take variations, font combinations and touches of originality if possible, which will help u to bring relief to the table in the process … definitely , introducing a tagline will help u in this quest. Indeed, i will add that , according to me, what u have here is not super compatible with having a horizontal version indeed as i am afraid that it would not good at all if u simply move the text on the sideway. While creating your logo, u have to try to think about this type of consideration. Finally, i guess that telling u to think about complementary colors, code colors or shades of the same color is a safe choice to choose the right colors for your logo and would certainly help u to prevent making some "mistakes " when it comes to colors