Apprix HTML - Unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward

Thank you for your submission. We have completed our review of “APPRIX - Animation HTML App Landing Pages” and unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.

We appreciate the effort and time you’ve put into creating your item. And we’d be happy to help make sure your next entry will meet our submission requirements. Here’s our advice:

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Can any have help this

With respect this is a long way from the standard.

The fundamentals like typography, hierarchy, consistency, spacing etc. all need work

The concept is quite outdated and has been done a million times before

Needs to be more premium value, features, execution etc.

You need to take time to refine skills and familiarise yourself with the expectations for items here

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I a totally agree with @charlie4282


Thank you for response @charlie4282 and @mgscoder