Our company is a trucking service company and we have a lot of members about 40 members, every week we send an emails to them like upcoming events, news & events, or some announcements. we need to ensure that all of our members will received our announcements, and also we need to know if our message are received/read by our members… Is there a program or application something like that in your envato market? please email me. we are interested to purchase that kind of application its like a website or themes.
Pretty much any email client can do that as standard eg. Mail Chimp, Campaign Monitor etc - these are pretty robust and proven tools which are not expensive - id focus on those
Sir, is there an Apps similar to my questions?. this apps is for the members only, the admin can only send announcement/mail directly to all members… the members can have a separate login to access the annoucncement or mail sent by the admin. This apps is for internal use. only general membership can use this apps and admin can only send the news & evens, announcement, latest update, memo for his members. Thanks