And So My New York Dream Begins

So we all have dreams right? For some its to be their own boss and for others its to become super rich. For me it`s a little different. Ive never traveled overseas and been stuck in South Africa since the day of my birth. and as of yesterday my masterplan to go to New York on holiday has been put into effect with having my product “10 Pro Fashion Lightroom Presets” approved and 24hrs later i have 2 sales & $5… Yay me

I guess i sill have miles to go but lets face it, I would rather try and get there than sit back and wonder how im going to get to New York. But my journey has started and the ultimate saving challenge has begun. I call it a challenge coz how many of us actually save and how many just spend what ever we can get our hands on. I know for a fact im a spender.

So lets hold thumbs i actually can get to and more importantly save $7500.00. Please check out my 1st product here ( )and tell me what you guys think. Just pop me a email through on my author profile. I would love to hear what everyone thiks.

I saw your Light Room Presets really nice work its the first step that count me two I have made my first sale on graphic river cool continue we all have different motivations.

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Congratulations man. :tada: I wish all your dreams come true. Your Light Room Presets are cool. Good luck for sales :slight_smile: