an expert view for rejection

Hi friends, my item rejected for not quality standards, i know there are many similar design in the market, but within the same day and week i saw designs with quite low quality ratio and this rejection surprised me, I wanted to have a plain design and avoid using elements a rhythmic typography design as you can see

I like it.

The problem I see is the saturation of this titles on Envato.
But having said that I do understand you. A Christmas project of mine was rejected last week and today entered a project ten times worse but that’s Envato :smiley:

Envato will never change on the reviewing method. It is and will always be only based on personal opinion and the so famous quality standards vary from Reviewer to Reviewer.

I’ve gave up this battle long time ago. The best advice I can give you is to keep trying for Envato with new project and just upload the rejected ones to other AE templates websites.

Last year I had 7 projects rejected that I re.worked and posted on other websites - They sold about 8k in the last 11 months.

you’re right dude i agree with you, Thank you for your nice comment it was morale for me, keep trying as you say …:ok_hand:


you should examine some typography designs

youtube adın yunus kahraman türksün sanırım

T harfini büyük yazman beni mutlu ederdi :wink:

hahahaha heyecandan Türk görünce böyle oluyor :slight_smile:

eyvallah topramm olur öyle :slight_smile: tasarım rededildi bende öylesine koyup bi yokliim dedim yapıcak bişi yok tabide. element de satış yapıosun sanırım zamanın olursa bi kaç sorum olucak

tabi ne zaman istersen topram söylemem yeterli :slight_smile:

Element de satış yapmanın bi avantajı varmı , birde oraya giriş için minimum geresinim nedir mesela

anladığım kadarı ile belli bir profil ürün sayısına erişmen gerekiyor avantajı ise her ay rahat 400 dolar elemnts denb kazanıyorum katılman için senin başvurman sonuçlanmöası uzun sürüyor ama onlar davet ederse hızlıca elemntse geçiyorsun avantajı çok fazla

Again guys, don´t force us to use google translator :grin:
I´m warning you, I will write in spanish :joy:


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Oh, my God, our password is broken, Nexus! we are now exposed :wink:

I follow posts on the GoForMotion forum. you’re also a fun personality - what else would you say about design, what quality could be added

First of all I think that there are a lot of these typo stomp projects on Videohive already, and my humble opinion is that your project has nothing new or outstanding to be accepted. Anyway, there are too many projects of any kind of project style nowadays, logos, openers, typos, promos, slideshows, not to mention Christmas these days, really oversaturated. And about design, my feeling about your work is that it looks good to me, maybe I don´t like the same background (gradient from grey to white) too much time. But I guess that the main reason for rejection doesn´t have to do with design but many projects like this already.
Good Luck!:+1:

Now you can tell me if google translator works ok :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Öncelikle, Videohive’da zaten bu yazım hatası stomp projelerinin çok olduğunu düşünüyorum ve alçakgönüllü düşüncem, projenizin kabul edilecek yeni veya olağanüstü bir şey olmadığı yönünde. Her neyse, bugünlerde herhangi bir proje tarzında çok fazla proje var, bugünlerde logoları, açacaklarını, yazım hatalarını, tanıtımlarını, slayt gösterilerini, bugünlerde Noel’i gerçekten fazla doyurmaktan söz etmiyor. Ve tasarım hakkında, çalışmalarınız hakkındaki düşüncelerim bana iyi gözüküyor, belki de aynı arka planı (griden beyaza gradyan) çok fazla sevmiyorum. Fakat sanırım reddetmenin asıl sebebinin tasarımla bir ilgisi yok, ama bunun gibi pek çok proje var.
İyi şanslar!

thank you for your comment Alberto ! im understand you, previous rejections and when I look at current on the market jobs, I think envato takes into account the buying trends, I think people want to see more videos and photos than text, trends in this direction and this is what I have seen often seen in poor no quality jobs . so I think he should use the 24th square techniques

La imaginación es más importante que el conocimiento. buena suerte Gonzales ! :wink:

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I had rejections and I´m sure I will have them in the future too. My humble little piece of advice: keep working and don´t give up, that´s what I do :+1::wink:

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Hi ruipcsousa,
Thanks for your suggestions.recently I also got a project rejected mail. But envato team did not any specific point what I will not reupload the project. I am really hopeless. Will you please tell me which others site that you have been sold. Thanks

looks good but rejected… same sometime to me…