AJ's search algorithm is not sustainable. The Popular Files list is going stale.

But how about tracks that just have been approved and have 0-1-2-3 sales? I think they need to get some exposure in the search results too. At least for a day. I think the best solution would be the mix of current engine(only the part that works for tags ‘epic’ and ‘happy) and your option with best selling/trending items.

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Yes, they can certainly have a small amount of exposure at the bottom of the first page and the second page. If they are good enough, this will be all they need to acquire sales. There are tracks that sell well even on the 4th page. The top spots on the first page should be reserved for trending tracks and all time best sellers only.

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@AurusAudio I think your idea is great and simplistic. For sure makes it easier to enter the “sub popular lists” in the search engine.

But I can´t stress enough how much a healthier trending function is needed. If your idea is the only one that is implemented, we are also faced with even more reasons for authors to either price dump just to get trending, making tracks trend alone on 50 comments from author friends etc.

Some possible solutions to the trending problem I can think of:

  1. Replace comments factor entirely with a revenue factor instead.
  2. Just disable trending function for music tracks under $15 or $20. Although this might be unfair if you are having a sale etc.

I think we need more brainstorming here, if revenue factor is impossible we need some other clever solution.

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I disagree with this one. You would be very comfortable with this because you have bestsellers and you can get trending for each new track you put for $ 5, which implies that this would be very useful only for you and not for the community.

You apparently missed the suggestion made several times on this thread that revenue be taken into consideration, meaning selling a bunch of $5 tracks isn’t counted the same as several regularly priced tracks. More money made = higher ranking.

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Why should top spots on Best Match necessarily be reserved for Top Sellers? Top Sellers are easily accessible by simply sorting by sales.


If that’s the case, I agree.

If we want to promote new tracks (“best match”), then they probably would have been better placed at the very top of the 1 page(by request “best sellers”), I think so (at least for 7 days). For example through 1 track (1 track “top” and 1 track “best match”).What do you think?

I agree. And also the track should not appear in the search for the “best sellers” and “best match” lower than price ($15) (which was taken into changed as the price is below $15 within 30 days after the last price change).
Just my thoughts. :slight_smile:

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Great topic man, I don’t have any ideas on the subject, but I support any improvement in the popular files list and search engine!

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I’m literally arguing for a change that will potentially damage my top selling items just so authors like you have a chance. What makes you think I’m any more likely to benefit from this than others?

Would you rather I kept my mouth shut and continued to take part in the domination of the search results? Probably not.


Top sellers are still important, but yes, I agree. Maybe a 60/40 distribution in favour of new, trending items. Don’t forget that top sellers are proven money makers for Envato, so it’s not likely they’ll shake things up so hard that they’ll potentially start losing revenue.

This is an important point that shows he is motivated by the greater good.


How do we intend to promote new tracks if we are not sure of anything and Envato, in turn, is not ready to bet on “the cat in the bag” ? I believe that everything is known when compared (there are no new tracks(In favorable positions), there are no new results). :wink:

I am tempted to ask: Are there any top sellers with “dinosaur tracks” that feel unfairly treated because they don´t show up in Best Match for high traffic search terms as Epic/Happy/Indie Rock?

I think this is a good point where all we “small fish” authors should at least try to negoatiate some better presence in the “Best Match” filters. I would suggets 75% new items (not older than 6 months, with somewhat good sales) and 25% best selling dinosaurs in the Best Match in general.

And all kudos for James daring to take this debate. I am sure it must be more fun for you top selling authors also to get up in the morning if you know you can create another one of those blockbusters that are keeping your pools warm :slight_smile: And your top selling tracks will have a lot of exposure anyway in the search engine. I think Envato has some kind of interest there.

I definitely have a lot of respect for James bringing up an issue that could potentially have a negative impact on his earnings if dramatic change was implemented. But let me just play the other side of the argument for a moment: Why would Envato care if a certain set of tracks just continue to relentlessly sell 50 to 90 units a week?
How is that a bad thing? Eventually, the sales will dwindle because everyone who needs to buy it will have bought it. It seems like the life cycle of a hit is 3 very long years. Is this really a problem for Envato? In fact “Inspiring” by pr music has been charting for a mind blowing 4 years and is closing in on 15,000 units sold.

So Popular items is not a “problem” for Envato. It’s a “problem” for writers because we know that the only way to really get momentum is to get on that “free advertising” list. Attention is brought to the track and the brand over and over and over. I still say visible and easily navigated playlists are the solution but that always becomes a problem because the Envato market is designed with a “template” where each market has the same navigation effort. If AJ had more independence with it’s layout more “advertising space” could be generated for more authors and more tracks via curated playlists.

There is nothing wrong with “hit tracks” staying hits for eternity. Vivaldi’s “Summer” has been a “hit” for Centuries. We can’t fight hits. Hit tracks are hit tracks and there is nothing we can do about it.


Totally agree with you! I think search engine need to be ruled by the amount of earned money instead of a number of sells… It will be fair in relation to high-quality items that cost 19+$…


It would be amazing! Fully support this idea!

Guys, friends, colleagues, composers! We will see the “new light” only when we come to a unanimous decision and state this decision for Envato so that they pay attention to us( saw clear grounded facts)! I think that we need to make this decision together :slight_smile:

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I wonder why none of the Envato employees have yet responded to this topic …