Hello, i’m looking to create that allows the user to create brand images such as logos, which will then display them on mockups, (link removed) is probably the closest to it.
Without going on about all the specifics, this is pretty much what I need to begin with.
Purchase system available, instead of a package tier system, maybe menu pricing and allow the user to select specific items to their needs.
A.I. generated with options to allow edits.
I have posted on other forums to be told pretty much not a chance. But there are many types of these websites, I want to be able to evolve the website to allow smaller business to be sent the designs after the user purchased to create products such as merch, banners, posters, books or anything that can be printed. In the future, once the user has selected specific products and purchased these, the smaller business can almost offer prices to bid for the work with a minimum order quantity options…but that’s the future, to begin with, I just need a AI logo designer with mockup generator with customer purchase functions.