Add Created & Last Updated Dates for Web Templates on Elements

Hi Staff,

Please would you consider a feature request so that last updated and original release dates can be added to the theme detail screens in the web templates categories.

We have requested this several times via your surveys but never hear anything back.

It’s becoming immensely frustrating wading through Web Templates to find out we are that we are in fact looking at old templates back from 2016,2017,2018 etc which are now several years old. We either have to open the template and check the footer date or for templates which do not display the date, we then have to go and find the same theme in Theme Forest to find out the original release date and last updated date. The whole exercise has become excessively time consuming.

You already have this information on Theme Forest so would it be possible to display the extra meta data about the theme that Theme Forest already has but display it on Elements as well?


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