i have one question…
how can u add a shortcode in a sidebar widget title?
i know that for the widget is :
add_filter( 'widget_text', 'shortcode_unautop');
add_filter( 'widget_text', 'do_shortcode');
but for the title?
i have one question…
how can u add a shortcode in a sidebar widget title?
i know that for the widget is :
add_filter( 'widget_text', 'shortcode_unautop');
add_filter( 'widget_text', 'do_shortcode');
but for the title?
An obvious guess would be widget_title … ?
:)) i did that … it worked :)) stupid me… now another question… how do i register multiple functions, with a for?
Register multiple functions…?
Can you please show some code? I don’t fully understand, what you want to do
Register multiple functions..?Can you please show some code? I don’t fully understand, what you want to do
function icon1() { return '
function icon2() { return '
function icon3() { return '
function icon4() { return '
there are alot of icons and i want to do this with a for thank you
Hey duotive the next time please write a useful title man not just ‘Hey’, that way your problem can solve others problems
Hey duotive the next time please write a useful title man not just 'Hey', that way your problem can solve others problems ;)Cheers.
i was dreaming… can u change the title for me? thanks
Why don’t you use a structure like this:
function icon($atts, $content=null) { extract(shortcode_atts(array( "type" => '' ), $atts)); return ''; }
and use the types like:
[icon type=“1”]
[icon type=“2”]
[icon type=“3”]
Would be easier and a much cleaner code. D.R.Y!!! (Don’t repeat yourself)
I’m just replying to say hi.
hi turkhitbox
thanks bebel will try it when at home :x