Account unlock

I’m not shure, if I’m right here, but I don’t know, were would be the right plattform for my topic. So, here is my question:

I am a little appalled by Themeforst’s approach. Last week I purchased a plugin that did not work on our homepage. The provider had not specified in his description, however, that the plugin does not work everywhere. So I tried a clarification via paypal, to get my money back. Bad mistake. One secound later, my Themeforest-Account was locked. Then I contacted the Thermeforest support. At the end of last week, I fulfilled all the requirements that support has given me. And now?

And now? Nothing at all. No one moves, no supporter who answers me on my last two emails. So: What are my options? I hope for good and helpful answers…

All you can do is wait for support to reply back. If you have cancelled your Paypal dispute, and have done all you were required to do, there’s no reason why they wouldn’t unlock your account.



Sorry to hear that my opinion is open Envato help ticket They would like to assist you.Hope your issue will solved.


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Same here. Can’t log in again… So… I don’t buy anything anymore here… Think, they don’t need my money. In these times… Okay…

I can log in again, everything works fine!