About unfair sellers, lie, change logs, bad items, and no updates of products.


I’ve noticed, that a lot of unfair sellers here selling their products, specially (mostly) in Mobile section.

Outside topics:
Sellers asking to delete review or mark comment as harmful, when customers say truth or when comment/review revealing their cheating.

What do I mean about unfair:

  1. they are selling template in Mobile section, and pointing that full product can be purchased outside of CC;
  2. they are uploading product and totally DO NOT care about it;
  3. they do not provide Change Log;
  4. they do not update their product(s), but saying in comments all the time “it will be updated in nearest week”;
  5. they specially remove something in Newest version, to ask then money;

Now, I will explain more:

  1. This is done specially, to attract customer to make impression WOW and this will increase their income;
  2. A lot of products are uploaded and nothing was changed after, it was done again - specially to increase their income. They upload product and they already KNOW that nothing will done after;
  3. Because in some cases, they do nothing in new release or they are in rush because thinking only of income;
  4. This is most common. A lot of products here, where developers are lying to their customers saying “soon”, it is done specially that you can see that something is happening and you will buy this;
  5. My love. I’m testing some products, and mostly they removing something in new release, do not mention it in Change Log and when new customer - “hey I need this” , they will - ask money. But wait! it was done earlier?? Why you remove this.

Continue talking about 5th and 4th…

I can say that this is quite common situation here, buyers who do not know anything about IT, they are often complaining about this. Also, what sellers like to do, is to MAKE BUGS, then “fix” them to make a visibility that they are doing great job.
Okay this is fine for customers, who do not know anything about IT, but not for me, or guys who are in IT.
This kind of sellers are care ONLY about income.

Also I would like to mention, when sellers are selling Application WITHOUT back-end. Back-end you can buy separately outside CC platform. Seriously?

I’m watching for several items, and situation are following:

  • Last update was in October, but in Item they saying all the time - “it will be released in next week” and if you say truth they are getting mad;
  • Removing time2time some functions, then asking money for it;
  • Uploading totally shitty product, with TONS of bugs;
  • Specially do bugs

What I suggest?

  • If seller uploading new version, CHANGE LOG MUST(!) BE PROVIDED;
  • Automatically REMOVE or HIDE if Item is not updated more then X months;
  • Strike sellers;

And last one, more problems I’ve spotted in Mobile section, because it is easy to create a shitty product, then to web. And, pls don’t say i’m not right. Most of mobile applications here, can be done by 1-2 days. Not more.

While writing this, I remembered:
Often sellers are creating NICE Preview Image + Nice Text , BUT(!) inside - 50% is lie.

Anyone from CC representative?