About the Elements Forum

Welcome Envato Elements Authors! Use this forum area to discuss all things Elements.

Please make sure to bookmark the forums and check back often. We’ll be using these forums as a central hub for gathering feedback, answering questions, announcing progress in the lead up to launch, running contests and much more. Read on for some key information you should know before you start to participate.

  • This category is the place to discuss all things Envato Elements. Post about what you like, what you don’t like. Ask questions and get advice from both the Elements team and your fellow contributors. We’ll be using these forums to communicate new features, changes to the site, initiatives, contests & to provide overall updates on Elements development. So we encourage you to check back frequently!

  • If you spot a bug or issue while while using Elements, don’t rely only on the forum to report this. We need to know about these issues ASAP, so to help us resolve problems quickly - please ensure you’ve lodged a support ticket with us before bringing it up in the forums.

If you want to get in touch with our team directly, lodge a ticket. And don’t forget to check out out our Author Help Center, which provides guidance and advice for contributors. One final note - the team is based in Melbourne, Australia. Meaning depending on where you are - we may be asleep when you post! Please be patient if you’re waiting for a response from one of us. :slight_smile:


Just a quick note… There are right now 8000+ items on elements… But it is still displaying 6000+ on home page… May be someone can update it. :slight_smile: