About posting my product on wordpress.org

I have a product, I want to limit some of its features to reach more people and publish it on wordpress.org as a basic. Can i do that Is this allowed?

Not as an exclusive author - you would need to set your status to non-exclusive which would impact commission/fees

So not just envato, but as I sell elsewhere? I have to mark it. But I’m not going to sell. I will do this just to reach more people, I will direct it to envato for “pro version”.

Actually, I’d need to check because it’s WP.org but there was a big update to what “exclusivity” means not that long ago

Looks like it might be ok - check these links

And especially

I’m puzzled, it is allowed to have a “free/limited” version on WordPress.org while selling same thing on Envato exclusively or not? Be very precise about it, as we’ll report anyone for not doing so.

I got it, I’ll check it. You get what I mean, right? I will still only sell on envato, but I will remove certain features and publish it on wp.org and add a link to “buy pro version from envato market”.

Hello, I don’t understand what you mean. I will remove certain features and publish it on wp.org and add the link to buy from the envato market so that I will reach more buyers.

We’re not talking about you sir, we’re just asking to clarify a few rules here. Authors tend to do the opposite, making this market unfair.

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Envato authors of WordPress themes and plugins are permitted to offer lite versions (a version with reduced/limited functionality) of their exclusive themes and plugins for free on wordpress.org. See the Exclusivity Policy for more information about being an exclusive author.

Details here (check: Are there any exceptions to exclusivity for items that belong to the same Product Family?):

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Thank you bro

I have a somewhat similar issue. Is it possible to make my authored plugin merely promoted on Wordpress.org, but sell and download exclusively on CodeCanyon? I want to know if I can get more exposure by describing the plugin on Wordress.org, but then linking to Codecanyon to buy it. I don’t intend to have a lite or free version downloadable on Wordpress.org. I’m a first time author, so just trying make sure I maximize exposure of the plugin’s availability.

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You can promote your items anywhere you like. If anything, it’s encouraged… exclusivity rules only come into play if you intend to sell or give away the actual item itself outside of Envato.

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Just keep in mind that in order to be able to publish on wordpress.org all your themes must be set as 100% GPL on ThemeForest and you can’t turn it back.

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