about music standard license buy

i had a question about if i can upload music on platforms like soundcloud and youtube with the standard music license?

What is this upload for?
If you have podcast or vlogs and use the music as the background music or intro then it’s allowed


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Hello there,

The fact that you want to upload to SoundCloud and that your username has “music” in it, raises some concerns.

Are you looking to turn a track from Audiojungle into a song? If that’s the case, this is not allowed. AJ music is to be used as background music for videos (or podcasts,…).

If you are indeed looking for background music, then please ignore my post, and yes the Standard license is the one you want.

If on the other hand you are looking for an instrumental to sing over (or remix), then you need to find another platform, as this is not the place for that.

thanks for the reply. helped.