7 Years! I finally made it. EliteAuthor:)))

This is truely an adventure for me. 7 years is a piece of a life that turned me to a free man in this world. Thank you sooo much Envato. You changed my life when I first join you 7 years ago. You gave me a world that I create myself with my imagination, I now can be anywhere on earth and win money and makes me breath the freedom of working. I love my job. Yes Stock business is my only job now. Money is not important, but freedom of choosing whatever you want to create is really freedom. Noone is ordering you something, you dont need to go to a company and feel less energy day by day to work for someone, you are only working to yourself and people you love.
I was jingle commercial music maker in Turkey and it is really hard to find customers also in this economy it is reallyhard to earn good moneys, at least enough money to live, Also the bosses always be hard people about giving money, sometimes it takes 2 months to take the money what you deserve… I hate business relationships face to face, Thisis not my ability or not in my nature to talk money with people face to face. Actually that is not life, not freedom, and we are only visitors on this world, 80 or 90 years… So to run for money is not an aim… Then I met Envato, and years passes, the more I work, the more I came closer to freedom.
This job is an apportunity to feel the world as your home…
Thank you Envato… You opened a new world to me 7 years ago, and I am still not bored of living because of you…Thank you:)))…



Thank you so much:))))

1 Like

Congrats man!!

Well said and good luck to your future sales as well <3

Cool achievement, you made it! Congratz!

Well done! I can relate to not liking face to face business, and not liking to talk money. I love that with envato we can sit quietly and work on whatever we chose!


YESSS! Well said statement - thank you for sharing :slight_smile: Congratulations on your achievements here!!

Amazing story and achievement! Congratulations for being elite :smile:

Congratulations! Nice story :tada::clap:

Well said and well done, @okanakdeniz! Congratulations, keep it up!

So happy for you :))))))))))



Congrats bro!!

Great that you found a way to make your life better and do what you love. Congrats on going elite!

Congrats! ; -)

Very soulful article! Congratulations colleague! Excellent understand your words. Success in the new status!))

Congratulations! Looking forward to seeing you reach the power elite status :slight_smile:

Good stuff :slight_smile: