3rd time Rejection could help me?

This is the 3rd rejection of the same project :sweat_smile:, could anyone help me understand what is so wrong with this project? Suggestions are welcome :slight_smile:

CS5.5, Universal Expressions, Color Customize Controls, 4K,1080p,720p

no camera animation, background is ugly, logo and text look like out of focus and not in the center of the composition.

About the background and the revelation of logo I made several adjustments, before you comment,
Your comment reinforces that it really was not a good point in the project, thanks

As for the animation with cameras I did some tests but it did not look very good

Are there any examples of cameras that you think would work?

Thank you in advance

A simple and slow zoom in would be enough to fit your music. Just make sure the design of the whole composition looks great

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I understand, I’m going to test this and try a new submission
Thank you

1] Try to make smoke interact with your logo( simple track matte will do the trick) 2] improve the background & logo contrast.

Looks like your smoke has bad technical quality. And the biggest mistake is the same tone of background and logo. It’s hard to see. Add more contrast. Make the background lighter. Or just make the logo darker. Or make both correction:)
I think logo, firm name and tagline are too small. Especially the tagline.
As people wrote above: add some camera zoom/move.
And I don’t like vignette on the edges, background looks a bit depressive

I tried a new submission, but it was not approved again.
Could you comment on this last submission.
I am grateful

  1. I think overall composition needs contrast, your background is little dull.

  2. The logo should appear with dissipating smoke there is a little delay.

  3. Try to improve your smoke render, light setup in particular. [ Is it Krakatoa particles or fume fx smoke render? ]

Dude! Of course you get rejected again. You did not correct your mistakes:

  1. Looks like your smoke has bad technical quality
  2. The same tone of background and logo. It’s hard to see. Add more contrast. Make the background lighter. Or just make the logo darker. Or make both correction