3rd Paw with 48 sales.

Hey guys,

I just got my 3rd paw. A 10 million broadcast licence put me over the top. I take it those big sales are a lot more rare… am I right?

Anyways, onwards to level 4!


Congrats dude !
It’s always nice to catch a big fish once in a while !!!
Now tako the 4th paw !

Congratulations :wink:

Congratulations! :slight_smile:

Congratulations! The bigger license is a sweet adder :slight_smile:

Congratulations :slight_smile:

thanks guys!

Congrats, your tracks sound really good. :+1:

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thanks @JetSounds.

It’s really great! Congrats!!! :slight_smile:

Congratulations. Great achievement. Good luck for more sales. :slight_smile:

Congratulations! :slight_smile:

Congrats! :balloon::blush:

wow! what a rapid growth! cool

Congrats Doug! Yes, those larger licenses are rarer… which makes them all the more sweeter when they pop up. Congrats on your quick growth!

Ya man, it was nice when I checked my balance and saw it.

btw @ElevateAudio, congrats on being featured!


Wow! Great Result! Congrats!


Great job, congratulations :slight_smile:


Congrats )))

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Wow! 10 million broadcast licence!!! :slight_smile: Great job! Congratulations with 3rd Paw!! :champagne: Keep it up!

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