Hi friends!
Today we are happy with this small success, 300 sales!!!
We want to value every little movement in this maturing and learning journey, so we thank everyone who encourages us with comments, those who kindly follow and inspire us, and everyone in the community who somehow, directly or indirectly, is part of that outcome. !
Thank you!!!
Thekingtracks Team
Well done, congratulations!
Here’s to many more…
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Yeah, @St-TropezMedia ! Persistence, Creativity, Inspiration… and many more, really!
Great sales for you!
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How to up load your Creative photos Video?
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Congrats!! may god bless u more…
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Hi, @arniechou . Thanks!
You can find tutorials on how to create html code in forum topics or on the internet.
You will need to up the images on some server, and link to them in your track description.
In fact, it is a process that requires development time, research, try and errors, etc. Or you can look for a knowledgeable designer in this area to shorten the path.
There are several websites that allow you to upload your images, for example:
Good luck and welcome to the community!
Amen, @RS_FxMedia!
God Bless you too!
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Yeah! Thanks, @CleanMagicAudio!!!
Many Congratulations ! May you hit 500 soon
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Thanks, @happyrays! We will keep working!!!
Congratulations! Keep it up. Can’t wait to hear about your next milestone.
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