Wow that’s crazy. 2000 sales already! A warm thank you to each and every customer who bought one of my sound! And Envato, thank you so much for making this possible!
Congratulations!! wow, 2000 it’s a big number!!!
now… 2000 more!
Congrats Dude !!!
By the way… I use to compose regular compositions, 2 minutes with certain complexity, orchestral or classical piano solo… what about exploring the sfx field and sounds? do you think it’s worth to try that? what is your experience? I never have done that.
Well it definitely worth it in my opinion. But it’s not as easy as it seems! Like with music, popular sounds like whooshes will sell well for the first weeks, but quickly stop shortly after. I try to focus on niche stuff, sounds that are harder to gather but that will constantly sell over the years. This being said, I also have a couple of whooshes!
2000 it’s a lot!
Congratulations with this achievement!
Thank you!
thank you!
I think i will give a try very soon…
greetings and good luck with future sales!
Congratulations! Cool work! GLWS!
Congratulations @Fantasy_SFX Good luck for more sales
Congratulations for 2000 Sales
@Fantasy_SFX great sales, Congratulations
Congratulations! @Fantasy_SFX