1st Day, 1st Post, 1st Sale!

Hey AJ Community!

I just wanted to say “Hey!” on my first day of selling here on AJ. I’ve been lurking around the forum for awhile and have really appreciated the sense of support and encouragement that I see among members. I look forward to hanging out here and I hope to contribute in any way I can!

And I got my 1st sale today…may be the only one I ever get, but it feels GREAT right now :smile:



2nd Day, 2nd Post, 2nd Sale are all twice as good!


Yes, indeed :slight_smile: Thanks for the welcome!

My congratulations, man! Keep it up!

congratulations :wink: Good Job

Congrats! Well done!

Welcome and congrats on your first sale. It’s a great feeling. Here’s to many more for you!

Thanks for the kind replies! I checked out some of your items here at Envato…You all do some great work!

(Meant that reply for everyone…I guess I need some time to get used to this forum!)

Congrats :smiley:

Welcome mate and congratulations! :slight_smile:

Welcome to the club! Congrats :smile:


congrats and welcome, i wish u good luck with the sale of your items and for next steps :wink:

Welcome, STM!

The first sale is always the best. Wish you lots of luck and success here! I think you’re going to like AJ! :wink:


Congrats! And welcome. :wink:

Welcome and cheers for your sales!! :smile:

Hello STM, nice to having you here :slight_smile:

:joy: :joy: your first day and already exhibited an upward trend, it’s usually a good sign :+1:
well done :clap: :clap: :clap:

Congrats, Spintone!! Wish you more and more sales!!

2nd sale on Day 2…you’re a prophet :smile: