101 Sales... What a nice number!!

Lets hope for more digits in the future :smile:
Thanks to all the buyers!
Thanks for this wonderful forum (I’ve browsed this forum for a while before decided to join AudioJungle).
Thanks to Envato for providing wonderful platform for all of us.

Philip of deliciousaudio


And the coolest thing is I got 101 sales and 101 followers at the same time!!

Nice numbers! Congrats, Phillip! :tada:

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Thanks :grin:

Congrats, Philip. :tada:

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Thanks :grinning:

cool happy for you and good luck for what is next :slight_smile:

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thanks my friend!!

you are welcome :slight_smile:

Definitely a nice number! Next you’ll need to post about 202 :wink:

Haha, I’ll do that. Thanks!!

OO Lala… 101 is symmetrical but it should continue rolling on, will come back to you when it will be 1001…BTW congrats.

thanks :smile: Will do that. 1001 and hopefully 10001 :sunglasses:

Very nice. Congrats :slight_smile:

Thank you!! :smile:

Congrats and keep it up.

Thanks so much :grinning: